Meeting Minutes for April 2018

April 10th, 2018
Attending: Clint Dalton, Aaron Lopez, Ron Steed, Paul Beard and Jordan Lee
Absent: Jim Nebeker & Lyle Page
Review/approval of minutes from the prior meeting. Minutes from previous meeting were posted and approved with correction to landscaper's last name edited from Bland to Best
Review of financial statements/cash flows. Financial statements reviewed. No concerns.
Accounts receivable discussion: Accounts Receivable were reviewed. One delinquent account will be sent to attorney.
Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 12th, 2018 at 6:00pm.
An update to insurance policy was made and board unanimously approved to reduce earthquake insurance from 18 million to 10 million to offset cost of new policy.
CMI has emailed Wasatch Landscaping about preparing sprinkler system for upcoming season. There had been no reply at the time of the meeting.
A request was placed not to use salt on sidewalks during winter season because of salt damage to grass.
Request to potentially have neighborhood high school student empty dog waste canisters once per week.
No concerns at this time.
No concerns at this time.
Roofs and Siding:
CMI will conduct Reserve Study to assess costs of replacing roofs in comparison with reserves in account..
Repairs have already been completed to siding damage from high winds.
Mortar repair (Pointing) completed on units.
Walks and Streets:
CMI has two bids to fill and seal circle drive in back of units.
Next meeting:
Tuesday, May 8th 2018 at 6:00pm. Location: 14058 Pepi Band Road