Annual Meeting Notes from August 2010

Village Town HOA: August 10, 2010 HOA Meeting Minutes (19:00)
Meeting called to order by at 19:07 (Annual Meeting)
Board Present Josh Christensen, Kevin Capito, Corey Shuman, Ron Steed, Lyle Page)
Gordon Payne has agreed to keep up the web site. Will send minutes directly. (
HOA members wanted the next annual meeting moved earlier in the year
Community Management (Paul Beard) gave the state of the association portion of the meeting
Snow removal costs mentioned
Everyone was asked to conserve water
Paul reminded everyone to carry a 10k damages insurance rider
Frank from Renaissance painting spoke. Phone is 8017129720
Maintenance (Josh)
Board Election
Mr Burns motioned to carry the board over by acclamation
Added Peter Harris to the board
Current Members of the Board
Josh Christensen
Kevin Capito
Corey Shuman
Ron Steed
Lyle Page
Peter Harris
Todd Jensen
Next meeting September 14, 2010