Meeting Minutes for July 2010

[No board meeting in June 2010 because a full quorum could not attend]
Village Town HOA: July 13, 2010 HOA Meeting Minutes (18:00)
In attendance: Lyle, Corey, Kevin, Josh, Ron, Greg (community management)
No previous meeting, No meeting minutes
Painting Update
Frank from Renassiance Painters was present.
Lighter color goes on the door
Darker color on the casing
Screen doors must be unlocked but the doors being locked is OK
Starting on the 19th
Warranty 5 years
Sundried tomato is staying for color
Eliminate black for all doors
Maintenance Issues and Plans
Motion to remove the remaining shutters
20 units with shutters
3-2 in favor of removing shutter
Kevin/Ron/Corey said yes
Lyle/Josh against
Motion carried
Lawn Issues
Caused by dogs
Greg will ask attorney about what is legal
Getting a bid to maintain the roof that will include someone walking the roof
Garage fascia needs to be worked on for several people. Greg will get a quote.
Lyle asked to change watering time from 8 pm to 10 PM. Greg will do that.
Financials Review
Bird cages are complete except one cage
Ron motioned to approve/Josh Seconded
All in favor of approving financials
Next meeting Tuesday August 10th at 1900
Annual Meeting
Held at Draper Library
Reminder message to everyone on the doors