Meeting Minutes for August 2011

General Business – Meeting called to order. Ron, Josh, Lyle, Corey, and Greg/Paul from Community Mgmt present.
Minutes Reviewed: Motion to approve by Corey, Seconded by Ron, all in favor.
Financials – Receivables – All past due HOA accounts have been sent to the attorney. The attorney has sent registered mail to all of the parties.
Accept Financial Review: Motion to approve – Ron, Seconded by Lyle, all in favor.
Discussions Landscaping-(Lyle) Plants ordered and installed. Walk through was delayed.
Painting- Door/surrounds are being painted.
Roofs and Siding-(Josh) Terry will walk the roofs per the old agreement and fix 6 roofs with bad vents/roof seals
Walks and Streets-(Josh) Community Management will get a bid for a patch and reseal for the back alley way. We are running short of time for this year. 997 Senior Band Road needs the edging in the planter replaced.
Next Meeting: Corey 1800 Sep 13th