Meeting Minutes for September 2010

Village Town HOA: September 14, 2010 HOA Meeting Minutes (19:00)
Meeting called to order at 1815 (Present: Lyle, Todd, Corey, Josh, Ron) by Josh
Election of officers:
President - Josh
VP -Lyle
Treasurer - Peter
Secretary - Ron
Member at Large - Kevin
Member at large - Corey
Minutes -
Dogs we will fine everyone at $75, $150, $300, $500. Ron will leave a note on everyone's door.
Minutes approved all in favor.
Sprinkler/Flooding issues caused extra expenditures.
Several more at the attorney.
Motion to approve financials - all in favor
Painting - We will drop the current painter if he does not deliver a good schedule by Friday.
Landscaping - KB bid discussion.
Next meeting October 12, 2010, 1800 at Peter's unit (14078 Pepi Band)