Meeting Minutes for May 2010
Village Town HOA: May 11, 2010 HOA Meeting Minutes (18:00)
Meeting called to order at 6:15
Kevin Capito (met at his unit)
Corey Schuman
Todd Jensen
Ron Steed
Greg Minnick
Josh Christensen
Paul Beard
Lyle Page
Prior minutes approved - All in favor
Changed checking account due to a check fraud situation $5500 were taken from our checking accounts. We will not lose anything but Paul Beard does have to fill out some forms.
Receivables are still at $9800 and many letters are outstanding. Josh asked to get a recap from our attorney. Unit 728 is still very high and has a letter with the lawyer.
Lyle/Greg will get prices for grass. Dogs have been destroying grass.
Painting --- Renaissance Painting is lowest of the bids. (Morse and CJ were the alternates). Corey motioned to approve … Josh, Kevin, Ron, Lyle in favor
Motioned carried.
Birdcages over vent - Will ask Truco but the board the cover this.
Next meeting 6/8/2010, 18:00 at 14044 (Todd)