Meeting Minutes from October 2009

Village Town HOA: October 13, 2009 HOA Meeting Minutes Draft (17:45)
In attendance: Paul, Greg, Corey, Lyle, Kevin, Todd, Ron
Meeting called to order at 1800.
Susan Hartman asked for an architectural/site review of putting in a 0 clearance fireplace and a small "pencil" pine.
All the board member had different concerns but we did all want to see a picture of the exact fireplace that she wants installed at another location to see how it look. Susan will get that information for the board. No decision until the board sees the picture of a real installation.
(no vote)
Minutes reviewed and approved.
All in favor
Financials Approved.
All in favor
Agreed to waive the late fees for unit 686 if the original fine was paid. This brought up the difficulty of contacting the owners of all of the units.
Over $5872 in receivables
Community Management is creating a new budget that we want to discuss at the next meeting.
Agreed to remind everyone about Ron Steed will take action on that.
Next meeting 11/10/2009 17:45 at Kevin Capito's house. He is at 14082 Pepi Band.