Meeting Minutes for August 2017

August 8, 2017
Attending: Ron Steed, Clint Dalton, Aaron Lopez, Jordan Lee, Paul Beard and Jim Nebeker
Absent: Lyle Page
Resident James Alger came to voice concerns with his deck, landscaping and leaking.
Review/approval of minutes from the prior meeting. Minutes from previous meeting were posted but not reviewed for approval.
Review of financial statements/cash flows. Reviewed by board members no concerns.
Accounts receivable discussion: No discussion about accounts receivable
Board Reports: Board Officer Elected Unanimously: Vice President: Jordan Lee
Landscaping – Pine trees on property will be sprayed to treat for scale (fungal disease). Trees at risk located near 985 Senior Band and 997 Senior Band 14152 Pepi Band. Not Completed
Wasatch Landscaping to remove more curbing and create “hard edge.” Completed
Concerns with dead grass spots and low pressure in sprinkler system. Sprinklers placed on time schedule to increase water pressure continue to monitor
Wasatch Landscaping will remove aspen tree growing too close to home at 14139 Senior Band Road Not Completed
Wasatch Landscaping will be planting a “2 inch” pear tree between 953 & 955 Senior Band Road. Concerns that temperature was too hot to plant tree.
Wasatch Landscaping will cut down weeds and spray for weed in back alley along fence and along retaining walls. Continue to monitor
Wasatch Landscaping will spray for weeds sprouting up through rocks on end units that have been landscaped with rock beds. Continue to monitor
Painting – Work/painting on decks to begin and residents will need to remove items from deck.
Decks – See Painting Above.
Roofs and siding – No concerns reported.
Architecture – Ron Steed and Paul Beard requested mortar repair on bricks on backside of unit located at 14064 Pepi Band Road. (Discusssion about repairs to all units that require work)
Walks and Streets – Jim Nebeker contacted Draper City to repair sidewalk near 14152 Senior Band Road. Draper City responded to inquiry and repair will be completed by the city.Completed
Next meeting: Tuesday, September 12th 2017 at 6:00pm. Location: TBD